Real, Honest Testimonials

Top notch stuff!

The price was amazing compared to local bids. Initially, I felt a bit nervous, but those feelings vanished when the blinds arrived, elegantly tied with cutesy ribbons. The shades are a perfect fit to my windows - so beautiful & of high quality. They look like I paid a lot more for them than I actually did!


Loving our new blinds!

Our fourth but not last purchase!!! We can’t seem to order enough roman blinds from The White Window! So many choices, beautiful fabrics, and EASY DIY installation!!! Best online purchase experience ever, truly, and amazing customer service. Highly recommend!

Jamie K.

Amazing experience!

Beyond the meticulous craftsmanship and premium quality of the roman blinds at such budgeted prices, the packaging just won me over with the sweet little thank you card. Plus, I did not expect a custom order to arrive so soon. Super happy with everything!

  • 1. Order Free Samples

    Find that perfect blue.

    Feel that nubby texture.

    Let the fabrics speak to you.

  • 2. Decide the Structure

    Soft scallops or structured slats? Formal finesse or casual chic? Decisions, decisions, decisions…

    choose fold style 
  • 3. Measure Up

    Be confident, be precise, be pro! Measure accurately for your picture-perfect new blinds. 

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  • 4. Order Online

    A few clicks & three short weeks. You are that close to dressing your windows in bespoke perfection.

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  • Flawless craftsmanship
  • Flawless craftsmanship


Top Tips to Get Custom Roman Blinds Right Every Single Time

Tune into Textiles: Choose the Right Fabric for Your Made-to-Measure Roman Blinds.

With a crisp, fitted treatment like personalised, hand-stitched roman blinds, the fabric is the first element that makes an impression on the eye. The colour, pattern and texture of the textile stand tall with nothing else to claim attention as pleats and hardware might do in case of drapery. 

How elaborate or simple, how traditional or modern, how casual or formal - the stylistic language of a room comes through loud and clear with the aesthetic content - that is the colour, pattern, texture and material - of the fabric. 

A velvet window blind immediately reads as luxury whereas a linen roman shade gives off a holiday home vibe. Similarly, a damask roman shade gives a traditional taste to the decor while a modern geometric print gives it a contemporary edge.

So, when shopping for your roman blinds online with us, ask three questions in the context of each room - which material, which colour, and which pattern if at all. Relay your decor style, the mood of the space, and the feeling that you anticipate creating in the room - all with the right fabric for your shade.

Select the Suitable Style: Know the Different Fold Types of Roman Blinds.

Unlike industrially produced blinds that disappear into a cassette when rolled up - thereby leaving the window looking bare - roman shades continue to dress the window like an elegant valance when not in use. This is the touchstone trait of roman blinds that distinguishes them from all other window treatments and offers that sophisticated elegance that is ever so chic and never overdone. The shade retreating to form a neat stack and unfolding downward in a typical concertina style is its esteemed wow factor.  

Much like valances, roman blinds are designed with different fold styles that offer unique design lexicons and visual expressions like minimalist straight bottoms or graceful scalloped pleats. Additionally, the fold styles contribute to not only the aesthetic makeup but also the operability of the roman shade.

The White Window offers roman blinds in three fold styles - 

The right choice of fold style would hinge upon several factors like the decor style, fabric choice, and mood of the room, among other things. Ultimately, the goal is to pick the fold style that is the optimal combination of the aesthetics and functionality you desire. For a detailed exploration of each fold style, read our Roman Blinds Style Guide.

Pick the Perfect Placement: Decide Between Inside-Mount & Outside-Mount Roman Blinds.

Roman blinds can be mounted in two positions: snugly inside the window frame or outside the window frame on the wall or ceiling. Both mounting positions come with certain advantages, each being particularly suitable for certain settings.

The bespoke elegance of personalised roman blinds is especially highlighted in the inside-mounted position as inside-mounted shades have to be stitched to the specific dimensions of the window to be so well-fitted. The proximity to the window pane also enables the shades to obstruct light and heat at its entry point itself. And if your window has an ornate trim, you can flaunt it with an inside-mount shade. Besides, when there is no space immediately around the window’s frame to mount the shade, as is the case with bay windows, the inside-mounting position is often ideal.

In the outside-mounting position, the roman blind is affixed to the wall above the window or the ceiling above. The shade is typically extended a few centimetres beyond the window trim to offer more coverage, so light leaks at the edges are minimal in this position. This style is recommended when the window recess is not deep enough to mount the shade inside and when the window is not rigged up with elaborate trim.

It is also the better choice when you want to make the most of a small window as the blind can be mounted high enough so it stacks on the wall above instead of taking any room from the window itself. Besides, when the roman blind is mounted outside extending its dimensions generously on all sides, it will make the window look larger than it is.

The mounting position is an important decision to be made when dressing your windows with roman blinds as it has an impact on their visual appeal as well as functional adeptness. Luckily, you have all the aid you need in our blog on the Inside vs. Outside Mounting Position to help you pick the mounting position that best caters to your requirements and preferences. 

Master the Math: Measure Your Custom Roman Shades Like a Pro.

A roman blind is nothing but a perfect-fit attire for the window. So, getting the measurements right is of utmost importance. Every millimetre counts - especially if the blind is intended to be mounted inside the window frame.

In the inside mounting position, an oversized shade will not fit into the window at all. But, should it be under the mark, it will look like a shoddy job, and the light leaks will be beyond control too. Similarly,  in the outside mounting position, while a slight missing of the mark will make little difference, missing by a meaningful degree will leave the shade less capable of containing light leaks from the edges. 

So, depending on the position you choose to mount, adopt the right measurement technique as outlined in our Roman Blinds Measurement Guide. Aim for flawless measurement and precise specification in the order so that you get a well-fitting roman shade.

Decide on Lining for Roman Blinds: Enjoy Durability, Privacy, and Light

Lining - or the lack of it - has a visible impact on the way a roman blind looks, functions and lasts. The purpose of the lining is to add volume and wholesomeness, protect the face fabric from sun damage, and minimise wear and tear from usage. A lined shade lasts longer and looks better for its age.

To ensure that our clients make the best of their roman blinds from us, we offer two kinds of lining: privacy and blackout.  Privacy lining comes in white and its prime purpose is to support and protect the face fabric. The folds get more crisp as the shade gets a sturdier shape when it is lined.  This lining is suitable when you’re not looking for a high degree of room darkening or insulation. 

The blackout lining offers everything that a privacy lining does with some additional assets. It blocks light substantially, muffles shrill sounds and forms an insulative layer between the internal and external environment of the house. Therefore, it helps to maintain the indoor temperature which then translates to energy savings and lower bills. These qualities make blackout lining especially ideal for bedrooms, nurseries and media rooms.

However, while this list of benefits goes on and on, lining may not be advisable behind sheer fabrics as it would be counterproductive to the transparency and light filtering qualities of sheer roman blinds. Lining may also be avoided if you want the face fabric to be visible on the other side of the window, as in the case of room divider glass doors. As opposed to that, a silk roman shade should always be lined as silk’s delicacy makes it vulnerable to sun damage and weathering.

So, when ordering your made-to-measure roman blinds, pay as much attention to the question of lining as you do to select the face fabric. Your choice may change from room to room based on its aesthetic language, light control requirements and face fabric. In order to make a more informed decision on lining your roman blind appropriately or to leave it unlined for best results, refer to our detailed guide on Lining for Roman Blinds.

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